Poems On The Statue Of Liberty By Emma Lazaru

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Protecting Our Borders "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me...” This a part of the poem written on the Statue of Liberty by Emma Lazarua. The immigrates who read these words have to go through the right channels to come to this country. Now people are just walking across the border and the government is discussing giving them amnesty for coming here illegally. The money would be better spent on building a fence along the Mexican border, where a majority of them are crossing into this county illegally. The amnesty program that is being proposed by the government is suppose to be done in stages. With most of the illegal immigrants having only a 10th grade education, stage one would cost $11,455 per household per year. In this stage the immigrants would be given legal statue, but no access to welfare or healthcare. After about 13 years they would be given access to welfare, social security and …show more content…

In nine months they discovered 16 tunnels. One was 83 feet long with ventilation, wooden beam and plywood ceilings.3 There are those who believe it is impossible to stop the flow of illegals; however, you can 't get as many through a tunnel as you can walk or drive across border without a fence. The US government is spending $400 a week to keep illegal immigrant in detention centers, while waiting for deportations and fighting their case to stay in America. Some have been in detention center for 16 months, all the while the citizens of the United States are paying for them. It cost the US $288 million a year to return illegals to their

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