Star Light, Star Bright...What Are Stars?

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Elements are often referred to as the building blocks of matter, combining to create not only life but everything surrounding it. However, these elements are not created on their own. They are forged deep within the cores of massive balls of gas dispersed throughout the universe and blasted through the vastness of space in their immense, self destructive explosions. Stars, through their violent birth to their even more violent death, manufacture the elements necessary for life. These giant balls of superheated gas begin their lives as nebulas, slowly evolving into the magnificent lights we see burning in the night sky and eventually dying by gravity, the same force that helped create them, scattering the plethora of elements they created across the universe, allowing life as we know it to occur. Stars are the source of human existence and life on Earth because through their life cycles, they create the basic elements necessary for life to occur and thrive.
Stars are born using the ingredients of hydrogen and gravity. Nebulae, clouds of stardust and gas, are “star nurseries where m...

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