Spelcuean Explorers: A Fictional Narrative

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The four defendants, members of the Speluncean Society, are on trial for the crime of murder. In early May of 4299 the four defendants, in company with Roger Whetmore, entered into the interior of a limestone cavern of the type found in Central Plateau of this landslide occurred. While in the cave heavy boulders fell and completely blocked the only known opening of the cave. While waiting for a rescue team to come they settled themselves near the obstructed opening. The rescue was a difficult one, and as a result of many obstacles, such as landslides, that occurred ten workmen engaged in helping to clear the entrance were killed. It wasn’t until the thirty-second day after the men entered into the cave that the rescue was successful. During the time that the men were trapped in the cave, it was known that there were no animals or vegetable matter in which they could feast on to survive, and anxiety about dying of starvation started to settle in the back of the men’s minds.
On the twentieth day of their imprisonment the men remembered that they had access to a portable wireless machine, which they could send and receive messages from those outside. They were notified by the engineers in charge that it would take ten more days till they could rescue the men. After this notification they asked to talk to medical personnel and informed them of their food predicament and conditions, and asked if they would be able to survive the next ten days on the rations they had taken with them. The medical personnel informed them that there was little possibility of survival. After eight hours of receiving this information Whetmore asked the medical personnel if they would survive for ten days if they consumed the flesh of one of the men trapped ...

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...er wish existed and blame it on that they were in a state of nature? Where do we draw the line on the timeline of when it is okay to kill a man to save your own self from hunger pains? Letting one person get away with murder opens up the flood gates for the very thing we are trying to prevent which is the wilful killing of another. “Through words and other actions, we build ourselves in a world that is building us.” Letting these men get away with the action of murder builds into us and the world that it is okay to kill a man in order to save your own life. It teaches us that if we value our life higher than others we can take what we “need” from them and not pay for the consequences of our actions.

If we let these men off with murder we are resorting to the ways of animals. We are a civilized society and have built it upon morals and laws to keep preserving life.

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