Soviet Ideology And Ideology

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Soviet Ideology, Cultural Policy, and Propaganda
Marxism-Leninism ideology and its connection to Soviet cultural policies is a topic of frequent exploration, however this paper will take that common investigation a step further by considering the role of Soviet propaganda and its relationship to the shifting ideologies of the Soviet Union and its official cultural policies. The research will be carried out by identifying the nature of Soviet ideology as well as what it entails. Furthermore, Stalin-era Soviet cultural policy will be explored as it pertains to the aforementioned ideology as well as the contrary characteristics of socialist realism. After defining propaganda, the themes and characteristics of Soviet propaganda will then be analyzed in regards to Soviet ideology and cultural policy, as well as an interpretation of the political tool’s role will be made paying considerable attention to the unfixed notions of Soviet ideology. While the Soviet practice of propaganda may not coincide entirely with the notions of their ideology and the cultural policy, in practice, the propaganda was more relevant than the ideology and policy it served due to the fact that it clearly represented the ambitions and state-of-mind of the ruling Soviet Communist Party and can furthermore claim that the policies and ideology in fact operated for the propaganda apparatus. This paper will argue that Soviet propaganda apparatus became more important than the Soviet ideology itself.

Ideology of the Soviet Union: The power of ideas to shape or determine reality
Established in 1922, The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a specifically centralized single-party state governed by the Vladimir Lenin-founded Communist Party. Politically recognized a...

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...volution. The ruling Communist Party would then put the Marxism-Leninism ideology in motion through its ever-narrowing cultural policy as it attempted to put the Marxist ideas into practice with intent to create a new Soviet nation. One such method of achieving this nation was through the use of propaganda. However in the case of the Soviet Union, due to the fact that the ideology and policy's was inconsistent nature and was prone to changes, the propaganda apparatus within the Soviet Union took a much different role than historically traditional practices of propaganda. This role would see the ideology and cultural policy being used as the tool of the propaganda rather than vice-versa. Therefore the new relationship between soviet ideology and propaganda supports the claim that the practice of propaganda was in fact bigger than the ideology itself in Soviet Russia.

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