Advantages In The Civil War

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North v.s. South At the beginning of the American Civil War in 1861 the Northerners thought that winning the war would end quickly and easily, but that was not the case. The Southerners had many advantages over the Northerners that made this war very hard to win. Both sides had advantages over each other that ranged from political, economic, social, and military strengths. The advantages showed what strategies they used during the war in order to win battles. Advantages of both sides also showed and indicated which faction was most likely to win the American Civil War. Compared to the north, the south had more willpower to fight in the Civil War. They knew exactly what their aim and goal was and it was to defend their territory. The north had a much harder task because their goal was to preserve the Union. In order for the north to preserve the Union, they had to completely defeat the south and take over. This goal was not an easy task for the north. The southerners also felt a greater unity than the north because they wanted to preserve their southern way of life. …show more content…

They had developed a congenial trade with Europe and most of the Unites State’s export were of cotton. This was what made the south wealthy. But because they relied on slave labor and agriculture rather than machinery and industrialization it took a toll on them later during the war. The north was on its way towards a commercial and manufacturing economy. This helped make the north’s production more efficient than the south. Tools and materials were being produced at a much greater speed than the south because they used machinery rather than slave labor. This made the north gain more weapon production and gear for the war. The south did not have the factories and machinery to produce a lot of gear such as guns for their forces. Compared to the north, the south lacked military resources. This was a great advantage for the

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