Socrates and his Philosophy

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Socrates and his Philosophy

Socrates makes a profound impact in our minds through his wisdom, power of critical

thinking, moral strength and intelligence. It is Plato who immortalizes Socrates in the popular

imagination as a man of profound knowledge. Socrates’ effectiveness as a philosopher depended

as much on the strength and interest of his personality as on the power of his mind. Socrates

philosophy was based on discovering the truth, understanding moral life and talking about the

elements that make up a good life. According to my judgment, one of the most important things

about Socrates' quest was, indeed, the unceasing habit and practice of being critical and

thoughtful- of not being truly blind to one's own groundless convictions and presuppositions.

Contemplation and critical self-awareness as a way of worthy life is what Socrates stands for. So,

therefore, he adopted questioning people about their knowledge as the foremost maxim for his

life, and that is why he ultimately believed that "the unexamined life is not worth living."

Real life, according to Socrates, is not something that is just to be lived- lived by

adapting blindly and headlong primal instincts, popular convictions, or time-honored customs.

The good life is a life that questions and thinks about things; it is a life of observation,

contemplation, self-examination, and open-minded wondering. The good life is a kind of life

that should be devoid of all types of injustice and corruption. Socrates ultimately believes that,

there is no meaning to live an unexamined dull life. Therefore, according to Socrates, the good

life is an internal life—the life of an investigating and ever expanding mind.


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... complementary to each other. Our life is only functional when both body and soul work together.

Body without the soul is unfit for life and soul’s existence is impossible to prove without the


In many ways, Socrates was a man truly dedicated to his country and people, despite his

unpopular ideas. He spent his whole life for searching the truth and trying to instill the power of

critical thinking in people’s mind to examine their own lives. If Socrates was guilty of anything,

it was being an annoying intellectual and bullying moralist with an abrasive personality,

eccentric mannerisms, and radical ideas. However, through the use of intellectual reasoning,

unwavering commitment to truth and lifelong quest for the good life, Socrates proved himself a

true philosopher totally dedicated to improving people’s rational thinking power.

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