C Wright Mills The Sociological Imagination

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Analytical Essay In The Sociological Imagination (1959), C. Wright Mills introduces the concept of the sociological perspective, an individual awareness of the relationship between personal problems and public issues. Mills emphasizes on the idea that the greater general society often plays a key role in influencing individual decisions. Through writing The Sociological Imagination, Mills hopes to create a more prominent connection between the actions of the independent citizen and the society at large. Furthermore, the application of a sociological imagination can be used to examine everyday incidents. For example, the factors which constitute personal decisions to form friend groups, or cliques, are often a more direct cause of social or Initially, when I first met the people who I am friends with, I believed the choice of who I got along with was entirely up to me. Upon further inspection, it became evident that my personal preference for people is highly influenced by the environment and culture in which I was raised. For example, being of Chinese descent and born in Hong Kong, I found myself able to relate to those of asian descent more closely. The similarities in our cultures and morals helped to establish a more intimate connection, thus leading to a higher percentage of my friends being asian. Furthermore, on top of similar morals and cultures, the likeness in an upbringing by asian parents also helped to kindle a sense of camaraderie. Similarities in the parenting methods which asian parents employed helped to create a sense of understanding and emphasis on specific morals which may not be necessarily understood by those brought up in a different culture setting. Be that as it may, asian children who are considered second generation Canadian also have a very different upbringing from those who are not native Canadians. Therefore, being of asian descent is not the true deciding factor for whom I am more inclined to befriend, but rather it is the asian morals and culture which I am attracted On the one hand, this new perspective provides a relief of responsibility in terms of problems which are uncontrollable by a single person. It helps to alleviate the inadequacy which is often felt in modern society, especially by the more youthful population. Furthermore, this perspective helps to provide insight as to what aspects of society need reforming by connecting the individual to society. However, the negative effects of the lesson C. Wright Mills provides is the realization that the individual cannot make an impact in society alone. This outlook truly shows the absence of originality and free will within the individual, and emphasizes the overwhelming imbalance of power between society and citizen. Additionally, the inability to resolve what appear to be personal problems grants the individual a sense of

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