Negative Effects Of Microaggression

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The black community has suffered from years of social inequality and oppression. Social issues such as the criminalization of black males is a frequent problem in society. These social issues highlight the reforms that need to be done to ensure that the nation is not consistently targeting and prejudging others based on their race, especially when dealing with legal authorities. Widespread awareness of recent deaths of black males reveals many unaddressed social issues including “justifiable homicides.” In an attempt to fight against inequality and end violence against African Americans, three women created an international activist movement using the hashtag #blackLivesMatter. This movement goes beyond the extrajudicial killings of black people; …show more content…

Microaggression refers to “brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward people of color” (Sue et al., 2007). Microaggression has appeared in three forms: microassault, microinsult, and microinvalidation. Microassault is characterized by verbal and nonverbal attacks meant to hurt the victim. An example of this is when a white teacher fails to acknowledge a student of color in a classroom or ignore eye contact. Microinvalidations excludes the feelings and thoughts of a person of color. These hidden insults have been a part of academic discourse for some time, however, the murder of Mike Brown became an example of the racialization. The portrayal in the media due to this event highlights the daily encounters of microaggression people face that is not reached by the mass consciousness. Today, these insults continue to degrade anyone who does not fit into the dominant culture since racism is embedded in the fabrication of society. This includes asking an Asian American “where are you from”, “where were you born?” and “You speak good English,” even though they were born and raised in the United States. This invalidates their American heritage and portrays the idea that they are foreigners. Ironically, the daily common experience of racial aggression may have “significantly more influence on racial anger, frustration, and self-esteem than traditional overt forms of racism.” (SoIorzano, Ceja, & Yosso, 2000). In addition, these forms of microaggressions and racism create disparities in education, employment, and health

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