Social Media: Its Impact on Employer-Employee Relations

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Having a social media account in today 's society is part of the norm and while many people are getting jobs at a younger age, having a social media account while working is very common. There are many types of social media accounts ranging from posting just pictures, sharing recipes, and telling everyone what you 're currently doing. As employees post on their behalf, many employers are getting upset about the post contain. The employer could put the employee liable of the post on probation or the employee could get terminated. Many employees argue that their social life "outside" of the job should not reflect on them on who they are on the job. Other employees may state that just because they work in a professional job setting, should not …show more content…

If the employee is working and can maintain a professional status, than the social media account should not matter to the employer. If the social media account isn 't a part of the job or brought up, then the employer has no right to connect the two. As the employee 's rights, he/she has the right to post whatever he/she pleases. Freedom of speech includes the freedom to post on social media. No employer has the right to connect an employee to their social media account and as long as the employee does not post or log in then the employee cannot say anything about it. No employee should ever be terminated because of a post that was posted on the employee 's account. If the employee is not breaking a law, then the employee should be free to post whatever they want without punishment by the …show more content…

People choose to a social media account open to the public hoping people they know will become friends with them rather than making it private to the public. These non private accounts are viewable by anyone that has access to social media to see. Even though the account has the amount holder 's name on it, if it states where you are currently employed at, then you are a representative of that organization. That is why many places if employment are starting to terminate employees that are being unprofessional or making the organization look

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