The Influence Of Social Identity And Individual Identity

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The twentieth century is surrounded by what is going on around us, in specific, your appearance and identity. The assumptions of race, religion, family background and the overall demographic image have an impact on your identity and may shape social constructs. The goal is to show that your identity is unique and isn’t completely stereotypical.
Social identity and individual identity have both played a key role in who I am as a person. When I am with friends, I have a different identity and am a different person, compared to when I have a conversation with friends. The casual and informal nature when I am with friends and the formal and polite nature with family are unexplainably different. As seen by twist tie activity to showcase my identity, …show more content…

We favor and mingle with our “own” people, but there is no our “own” people. As mentioned in the Social Construction of Difference by Atlan Johnson, “there is no such thing as whiteness or blackness” and as famous late African American novelist added to proposed idea, he mentions that “no one is white before he or she came to America and that it took generations”. The unfair inequality of favoring and or believing that we have “white privilege” is incorrect. This notion is made …show more content…

The woman who looked white was treated politely and nicely, while the woman who had black colored skin was looked in hate and asked for two pieces of identification. A single color difference has that much of an effect. From this story, we need to understand that there is indeed bias in today’s society and we can’t leave it left for someone else to take over. Let us not be a bystander, but someone who can see that situation first-hand and boldly talk back to that white woman and change the notion. Let’s end the race privilege that exists with the arrest and conviction rates being greater for blacks than whites. Let us live in a society where anyone can be a manager, CEO or high professional status without discrimination. I, as an educated individual in society, will use my knowledge to change the incorrect notions and work in partnership with the different organizations on or off campus to put my ambitions into

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