Social Darwinism: History of the Study of Eugenics

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The study of eugenics has been around for many years. China has one of the leading birth control systems containing the one child policy and Eugenics. Eugenics is a system of improving human population by promoting the most socially desirable individuals to reproduce while preventing the socially undesirables from reproduction. Eugenics comes from the Greek word meaning “good” or “well born.” It is the belief that some people are genetically superior to others; and that one inherits their relatives’ mental and psychological traits. Eugenics has many negative effects on society. Through the theory of Social Darwinism, the use of sterilization and genetic engineering, eugenics has become one of the biggest debates in China and is slowly spreading to the United States.
Eugenics originated in the late 19th century during the Social Darwinism movement. It was proposed by Francis Galton, cousin of Charles Darwin. Social Darwinism promotes “survival of the fittest” suggesting competition between individuals, groups, or nations drives social evolution in human societies; resulting in the strongest surviving (Kevles). Eugenics, subsequently, picks out the “fittest” or the “desirable” individuals and allows them to reproduce; therefore, trying to perfect humanity by clearing out the “weak” or “undesirables”.
Eugenics began to dynamically thrive after the rediscovery of Mendel's theory in 1900. He argued that the biological make up of organisms are formed by certain aspects, later identified with genes (Kevles). The dispute that the gene pool was a very important factor in reproduction led to the action of picking out only the “desirable” individuals. Through lab work, reports, and articles from scientist it was assumed that every individu...

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...etics”). This means before the child is born a scientist can genetically change the child to be part of the “fittest” individuals. They take away all the undesired genes the child will have and replace them with genetically made DNA.
Eugenics has been around for many years and is continuously growing. What started out to be a way to better society is now taking away from it. Through Social Darwinism, sterilization, and genetic engineering eugenics has endlessly remained a debate throughout the United States. Although some may think eugenics is helping society stay on track with Social Darwinism, it is tearing our country apart. Sterilization and genetic engineering are physically and mentally damaging human beings. Eventually, the entire human generation can lead to mutation if Human Genetic Engineering ploys do not get removed at their earliest (“Human Genetics”).

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