International Affairs: Public Relations

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In the profession of public relations, experience and understanding in international affairs has now become increasingly significant. Public relation practitioners will have to alter the way they work because it is rather different working with colleagues or clients other than their own as multiple languages may have to be translated after a creation of a campaign material and practitioners may have to travel to other countries to conduct public relations work. Also, due largely to globalisation, public relations practitioners must be fully aware that communicating with an international audience is pretty well inescapable. Gaining a better understanding of international public relations practice is therefore essential. Hence, studying public relations on a global context is important for public relations practitioners if companies or organisations within a country are planning on venturing out to the international arena. In this essay, we will be focusing on the various meanings provided by public relations scholars; their opinions and to also explain the importance of education for practitioners and students in regards to international public relations and its practice. Before we proceed with the in-depth discourse of international public relations, we have to first define what international public relations is. There are a variety of different definitions used to define this terminology. Culbertson (1996) defined international public relations as the focus of the “practice of public relations in an international or cross cultural context.” He wrote that it requires the practice of public relations in at least four different realms; transnational economic transactions; intergovernmental relations; international organizations; ... ... middle of paper ... international level. It’s intriguing to learn that international public relations is not as easy as one might seem. One cannot just go into another country and hope to succeed just like they do on home turf. Although globalistion and technology has helped us in terms of faster and easier communication, practitioners still need to understand that culture plays a huge factor in the success of their international ventures. A point to take note is that international public relations should pay more emphasis to the sociological and demographical aspects of global publics. Finally, I personally believe that no one theory will be able to explain the practice of IPR but a mixture and an array models, topologies, theories and examples will help the practice of public relations improve and subsequently conducting the profession more effectively on the international arena.

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