The Effects Of Smartphones And Social Media

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Smartphones and social media are drugs to people. Call them phone addicts. Phone addicts are the ones that wake up in the morning and check their social media or they cannot simply live without their phones. In the New York Times, author Sherry Turkle compares how people’s communications changed from face-to-face talk to smartphone talk. People became too dependent using their smartphones and social media to communicate to the outside world. She also sees how this impacts the younger generation communication with others. Verbal communication became harder for people to do due to smartphones and social media. Health is becoming an issue to smartphones users. People started to have neck, fingers, and vision problems. Smartphones are cancerous …show more content…

Every day, fewer people are not paying attention to their surrounds that can possibly affect their safety. For instance, surely they are people out there that do not look both ways before crossing the street because they are on their phones tweeting how boring class was. Hypothetically, he/she could probably get hit by a car. Someone could have prevented this accident if people were paying attention to their surroundings and if the communication was there. In The Washington Post, author Katherine Shaver stated that “A 2013 Ohio State University study found that the number of injuries treated in 100 emergency rooms nationwide related to pedestrians using cellphones…The study found people ages 16 to 25 were most likely to be hit while distracted. Abc News calls them “Petextrians.” In addition, designated driver also can be distracted with their smart phones. Commercials like AT&T, have warned and tried to decrease the amount of death cause by texting and drive. They would display a terrible accident for the purpose of showing the viewers the consequence of a distracted driver. The most common quote that AT&T repeatedly uses is, “It can wait.” What pedestrians and driver are doing is the equivalent of what a student do in class. Turkle states, “College students tell me they know how to look someone in the eye and type on their phones at the same time…Now they use it when they want to be both with their friends and, as …show more content…

The most common one is the text neck. According to Steven Shoshany, DC, CCEP, “a text neck is the term used to describe the neck pain and damage sustained from looking down at your cell phone, tablet, or other wireless devices too frequently and for too long. The younger generation are getting text necks that can be more damaging to them in the long run. It’s embarrassing to here young teens complaining about their neck pain compared to older middle age who have a reason to have neck pain. Kids are supposed to make their bodies stronger and healthier, not making it worse at a young age. The consequence can be that by the time teens get older, the more pain they will be in and the more restrictions they will have in their daily lives. People have their moments where they think they heard their phone vibrate but did not. This is called ringxiety. People can know a lot about a person who has ringxiety. That shows that the person is constantly on their phones and is so detached to the world. In the article, “Why we 've all got an iFinger” author Rachael Sigee stated that “this kind of text-related twitching can lead to greater health problems such as insomnia and headaches, which is in line with more traditional anxiety disorders.” Insomnia, headaches, and anxiety disorders are things that people do not need to deal with. Smartphones are risky for your eyes. Since 1997, an increase 35% of people have been having

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