Benefits Of Cognitive Learners In Volleyball

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A cognitive learner is a beginner, new to the sport or skill being developed. Beginners are prone to frequently making mistakes. Beginners who are developing volleyball skills learn best via effective learning; through physical actions which helps improve physical or motor skills. Cognitive learners are also visual learners and require a rough mental image of the specific skill. Visual aids, such as a coach demonstrating the technique of a skill, helps progress the learner’s development. In volleyball audible cues, such as “elbows out”, can inform a player to focus on their setting, helping beginners modify their technique. The coach may also manipulate the position of a players arm for example, to modify their digging technique. This allows …show more content…

If a cognitive learners serves the ball and it goes into the net, they will get a ‘no’ response as the result wasn’t successful. Knowledge of performance is an extension of knowledge of results. Knowledge of performance includes feedback from an external source to help performers develop or modify techniques. This could include a coach informing individuals to not bend their arms when digging. The vocabulary and terminology used needs to be regulated so beginners can understand. Beginners can only take on small amounts of information as the short-term sensory store is limited, so the feedback needs to be concise. Therefore coaches should focus on improving one part of a skill at a time, for example coaches may tell a beginner, “When serving focus on contacting the ball with a taut hand,” this instruction will not overwhelm the beginner. Relevant information, via selective attention, is stored in short-term memory. However the short-term memory only stores information for approximately 60 seconds. To store information in the long-term memory the information needs to be acted upon. This could involve practicing the routine of a spike. The reduction of a whole skill into subroutines can also assist beginners in retaining information, this is called chunking. The volleyball spike could be chunked into; run up, jump, contact, and landing. This would help minimise the information for the beginners. The application of these coaching and learning styles helps to improve beginners’ performance and progression in

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