Skateboarding Essay

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Skateboarding is something that is world wide, no matter where you live in the world skateboarding will be seen or talked about, it's been created and evolved through different areas and different skills throughout time, there's all sorts of skill sets in skateboarding such as street, vert, freestyle etc., you can even get into the x games or street league and go pro.
Skateboarding was invented around the late 1940 early 1950 when surfers wanted something to do when the waves were low, so they got a plank of wood and but some wheels on the bottom to give them the same feeling as surfing.
There are several different types of skating styles like street, freestyle, vert, and downhill. Street skating is like skating rough spots or more difficult areas that aren't made for skating which is a lot more dangerous in many ways because the things you're skating on could be damaged or deadly if you fall on them at a high speed, you also have to worry about trespassing and other people getting

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