Should the Internet be censored?

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Should the Internet be censored?

Should the Internet be censored? This is a sticky question; no matter what answer you give to this question there will always be a valid argument in response to your answer. There are lots of arguments in the answer I found doing the research I did. The United States is not the only country with this problem. Because, remember now the Internet is worldwide and it involves every single country in the world. If a person thinks the Internet should be censored then the following question should be asked: Who should censor the Internet the federal government or parents?

Censorship on the Internet is a controversial issue. A lot of people agree that censoring violates the First Amendment of free speech. But many also believe that it is the government’s duty to censor to protect children and teenagers. The EFA (Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc.) is an organization against Internet censorship. The EFA’s goals are “to advocate the amendment of laws and regulations in Australia and elsewhere which restrict free speech...and to educate the community at large about the...liberties issues involved in the use of computer-based communications systems.” (President of EFA) The EFA shares similar goals with the USA’s EFF (Electronic Frontiers Foundation) these organizations believe that free speech is a right and it will be taken away by censoring the Internet. Does freedom of speech include pornography and “obscenity”? A lot of people argue that obsce...

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