Should the Government Have a Say in Americans' Diets?

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Most people say that the government’s role, in our diets, is the key for a healthier life. While others may argue that it is freedom of choice to eat whatever we want. However depending on the point of view, the government’s role in shaping what we consume is either a compulsory intervention or a blatant interference on American free will. Even though we hear a good argument on the government controlling our diets, most research show that the involvement of the government on our diets has shown little to no results.
The most supportive argument why people are in an agreement with the government controlling what we eat is because of all the obese people in the country with medical problems. In fact obesity is one of the many problems society faces today. In addition, it causes many medical issues and affects everyone in the nation. It is estimated that “more than one third of U.S adults (35.7%) are obese” (Overweight and Obesity) As a result, “the federal government has made the prevention and treatment of obesity a major part of its campaign to improve the health of America by launching a series of initiatives that are likely to have a long-term impact on stemming the tide of obesity in this country”. (Arvantes) This influence indicated directing people what to eat a certain way or expressing prohibiting or banning the consumption of certain foods. For example; one government solution was cutting farmed subsidies. The aim for cutting down on farmed subsidies was for Americans to enjoy reliable and affordable access of food without the expensive, such as fruits and vegetables. Another solution was reducing portion sizes to cut down on energy intake. Others solutions included taxing sweetened beverages such as carbonated soda, c...

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...uld Government Play in Combating Obesity." The Wall Street Journal. N.p., 21 April 2013. Web. 7 Nov 2013. .
Marlow, Michael, and Sherzod Abdukadirov. "Government Intervention Will Not Solve Our Obesity Problem." U.S. News & World Report. N.p., 5 June 2012. Web. 7 Nov 2013. .
"Overweight and Obesity." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . N.p., 16 Aug 2013. Web. 12 Nov 2013. .

"What Causes Obesity?." Stanford Hospital & Clinics Stanford Hospital & Clinics . N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov 2013. .

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