Persuasive Essay On Sexual Education

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Sex, It is a normal thing someone will experience in their lifetime. But, the question is, are children and young adults learning the correct way to keep themselves safe? Many states offer little to no requirement for Sexual education, or they offer Abstinence only education. There are a few states that do offer comprehensive sexual education but, bottom line is America has a horrible sexual education program. It is a state 's duty to decide what will be taught in a classroom. Regrettably, some states make it so adolescents are not receiving enough or not the proper information to defend themselves from the many dangers that come with the responsibility of sex. Abstinence only sexual education is something more seen in the south and non-progressive …show more content…

As noted by Rich and Sprague, “It is only through a strong historical culture of shame, promoted mostly by powerful religious extremists, that our communal desires are so utterly divorced from our individual desires” (Rich). Sex is a normal behavior that goes back to are primal and our natural instinct. It’s 100% percent normal to start having sexual urges when you start going through puberty, which is normally when sexual education is given. In fact, that is a body telling a person that you are physically ready to reproduce! Even though a preteen or teenager may not be emotionally and mentally mature enough to have a child of their own. Rich and Sprague say in their article “95 percent of Americans have had premarital sex” (Rich). So why do we expect teens to not have sex? It is almost hypocritical! Sex can be a hard subject for a preteen or teen to understand if given the wrong information, or having it pushed into a young person 's mind that sex bad and only for a man and a woman so they can have children. If a parent or sex Ed teacher show negative feeling about sex, the kid is going to think that it is a bad thing and be frightened of something that most everyone experiences. Sex doesn’t make young men and women bad, a harlot, or even a stud. It makes them what they are, a sexual being, a

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