Security Sector Reform and a Sustainable Peace

1301 Words3 Pages

In the modern world, with Democracy in an upward advance in countries like our own, the world is a huge battle field. The people of countries all around the world are in uproar, looking at the free society that the United States has and using it as its light house, directing it in the right direction, with their own input and ideals. These uproars are commonly known as revolutions, which usually end in the death of many thousand innocent lives fighting for their own right to govern themselves. These rebellions come about because of how the prior government has handled things related to the people, like in Communist or Socialist governments. People in those instances are stuck where they are born, no raise in social class or job title, they are put where the states requires them to be. In a Federal Republic, like the United States has, people have the choice in what they want to do with their lives, and they have their own power to do so. This is the trait in a government that all people want, they want to be able to have complete control over their lives, so they will go to great expenses to achieve it, even war. When a revolution is won, and the old government is pushed to the curb, there is one issue that must be resolved, what to do with the old standing army. The solution is Security Sector Reform, though this isn’t the only use for this practice, it is the most common.

Initially, Security Sector Reform can come in many different policies, that attend to different situations at hand, and what the extent of the people are rooting for. First we must define the topic of Security Sector Reform, “Strengthening the institutional framework for managing the security sector involves three broad challenges: (a...

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...r new Democratic countries to be formed out of governments that have been overthrown, to push the expansion of Democracy, and crush that of Communism.

Works Cited

Hänggi, Heiner. "Conceptualising Security Sector Reform and Reconstruction." Reform and Reconstruction of the Security Sector 6 (2004).

Hendrickson, Dylan, and Andrzej Karkoszka. "The challenges of security sector reform." SIPRI YEARBOOK (2002): 175-202.

Brumberg, Daniel, and Hesham Sallam. The Politics of Security Sector Reform in Egypt. US Institute of Peace, 2012.

Wulf, Herbert. "Security sector reform in developing and transitional countries." Security sector reform: potentials and challenges for conflict transformation, Berghof Handbook Dialogue Series 2 (2004): 16-17.

Sedra, Mark. "Challenging the Warlord Culture-Security Sector Reform in Post-Taliban Afghanistan." (2009).

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