How Do Psychologists Define Personality?

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Scientific Study of Personality Paper

How do psychologists define personality? Provide an overview of the definition of personality. Psychologists defined personality as that make people uniquely themselves, to be all-inclusive characteristics, helped people appreciate the challenging environment of each individual Cervone & Pervin (2013). Beginning with, individuals that are unnatural by unconscious traits, push or pull into instant awareness. For example, the things people do to others that normally parents would do to their children without identifying whether they are encouraged by their aspiration to bear a resemblance to their parents. Following, ego forces people that are peculiar that provide a sense of personality or self. For example, we often strive to maintain a logic of comprehensive knowledge and reliability in one behavior. Next, biologically a person with a distinctive physiological, temperamental, …show more content…

Personality research is usually not a straight linear process, going from hypothesis to final proof. Rather, there are often lots of backtracking and circling around as ideas are tested and refined. Still, there is a certain logical progression of inference that can be said to underlie the research process. When people think of leaders such as the president of the United States, Barack Obama, his special charismatic personality, in-depth study of such individuals, either implicitly or explicitly. In doing so researchers might examine these interviews, to see how he thought about himself and others. They would examine his documents, such as his speeches, writing, and educational work. They could collect judgments from those who knew him, both casually and in depth. Also, they could analyze the expressive behavior of his gestures and voice tones, and his reaction to challenging

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