Analysis Of Schopenhauer

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Based on the readings “Schopenhauer as educator” by Nietzsche, Schopenhauer’s “thinking of one self” and personal higher education experience I believe college level education obstruct the pursuit of true education. As humans, we enjoy patterns and repetition. The issue with uniformity is the fact we become experts at fulfilling expectations and not discover the true self. Schopenhauer embraced his uniqueness. Although it let him into a pessimistic mid set he accomplished his true self. Overcoming expectations is difficult and the fact that Schopenhauer was able to accomplish what was expected, he inspired people like Nietzsche to do the same. It is difficult to stay within the lines and follow directions blindfolded. It is actually more difficult …show more content…

Textbooks are essential and informative, however it is not the main core value of education. If we truly depend on textbook, our world would be as naïve as natives in colonization era. Schopenhauer provides the difference between reading and thinking. “Reading forcibly imposes on the mind thoughts that are as foreign to its mood and direction” (Schopenhauer, pg. 89) Reading is an escape of reality. It penetrates the mind and alters thinking. “The mind is totally subjected to an external compulsion” (Schopenhauer, pg.89) although reading is prominent, it can impair personal thinking. “That the surest way of never having any thoughts of your own is to pickup a book every time you have a free moment.” (Schopenhauer, pg. 90) When it comes to reading college content, it has no originality. We are attaining our foreign thinking from a text that has been modified thus teach one purpose only and that is to provide facts. We cannot attain wisdom from textbooks. Universities provide textbooks that are a copy of another copy; that is to say, the information is the production of somebodies else’s idea following by, another mans ideas and so on. “All that has ever been taught is a critique of a words and fifty critiques of them as preserved side-by-side and intermingled” (Nietzsche, pg. 187) What can we obtain from a mixtures of words? Well criteria met. It is possible to have our own thoughts and ideas; if we only foreshadow on textbook we will become a textbook itself. “People who pass their lives in reading and acquire their wisdom from books are like those who learn about a country from travel description” (Schopenhauer, pg. 91) we have to obtain our wisdom from our own thoughts and not from what is editing in from of

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