The Scene of the Inner Voice

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Inner Voice: I parked the car. Turning it off, silencing its hushed rumbling, I removed my seatbelt and took a step out into the chilly, star-speckled night. I deliberated for a moment… then surrendered, dropping back onto my seat and digging through my bag that lay across the passenger seat to remove the black notebook, its leather binding cool on my skin.

[Tico steps out of the car again and walks down the concrete path toward a house]

Inner Voice: This really is a beautiful house, I thought. The elaborate carvings that ran along its eaves, its cerulean shutters, even the interestingly melodic creaking sound the steps made when I stepped down and lifted up. I hoped to use this house later as a setting in one of the stories I’d created.

[Tico knocks on the door. It opens and his sister Debbie appears from behind it]

Tico: Hey Debs! Happy Thanksgiving!
Debbie: [somewhat forced] Hey, Happy Thanksgiving!
Inner Voice: Ah, my sister’s sheepish smile. It’s subtle, invisible to the average human eye, but I knew it all too well.
Tico: Oh no. You didn’t scorch the turkey again, did you?...

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