The Sandy Creek Massacre In Ari Kelman's A, Misplaced Massacre

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The book A ,Misplaced Massacre, Ari Kelman’s writing describes the Sandy Creek Massacre astounding while still explaining how historians struggled to get its story to public and be told. This epic event in the history of America’s settlement occurred on . The sandy river Massacre was once seen a horrific event. The tittle has even been debated over the years. This was a huge event in history due to the fact that so many native American suffered casualties during this massacre. The book fist starts out by descrbing the massacre in it self. The author does a great way of describing the instance. Soldiers were among the west and canpedout near sandy creak. Chivington was the leader of this army who was certainly against the native American …show more content…

The north was increasing it’s technology and production and was in need of a push outward. Overall, John Covington was a well grown abolitionists who was an Indian hater. He led the attack. Through the media after the massacre it was blow up. Mass media was exaggerating the story of the sandy creek massacre. Other characters in the story had key roles. Some had other feelings compared to John Covington’s. Silas Soule wasn’t as brutal as the other men in the force. His actions served as the being captain for the group. Although, this time he would sit back and not juiin his men who were Covington. He always held a grudge with Covington ever since. Also, a very significant piece of the story is the fact that this same character of Silas Soulje told on Covington and an investigation against him. This is what first spreaded the information of the massacre. Another key character in the story was that of Edward Wynkoood. He was the head man in charge of the group accusing Covington in the situation. Finally, the last Key character to speak upon is George Bent. George Bent was an …show more content…

This time it was different than sandy creak because the United States Army had attacked Shoshones. The story was left untold for many years. This was until many monuments and events were thought to the people about the events. The United States Army literally punished the tribes for being in the way. They attacked with 300 military men. This proved tobe one of the bloodiest days that America would ever see. Especially for a Masacare. More than 300 hundred people were killed. These murders of theput upon Indian Shoshones tribes by the army proved to be brutal as they shot the children one by one, and even raped all of the helpless women of the tribe. The story puts out reasons as to why they attacked the tribe. This include the Leade Colonel Patricks thoughts that the natives, the Shoshones Bannock village, were being blamed for the attacking of people all along the Oregon Trail and todeaths of innocent Miners. Although the Oregon Trail was now said to be safe, still many ment were being taken down, and Colonel Patrick’s wanted to do something about it. As the action pursued many American’s didn’t take notice to the Massacre, due to the fact like they didn’t lik Native American’s. As time passed it wasn’t about good of the Massacre it was about the lives and culture of the people that lived there was destroyed or threatened. Their story still lives on today thanks to public historians in the area. This book shows the

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