Sampling Methods

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Sampling is the framework on which any form of research is carried out. A suitable sample that meets the inclusion and exclusion criteria of a research design must be chosen from a given population to carry out studies. In this essay comparison is made between stratified random sampling and convenience sampling. The population on which the researcher is interested in carrying out his or her research may be too large, therefore a suitable sample which can represent the population in correct proportion must be chosen. Restraints such as limitation of time, resources and many other factors necessitate the selection of a sample for research purpose so that better quality data is obtained from it and that the researcher can make statement about the population he or she is interested in (French,S et al.,2001,).The method of sampling should be cost effective, less time consuming and be simple in design to attract participants but care should be taken that accurate and valid data can be collected. The sample on which the study is actually done is derived from the population which is accessible to the researcher; the study sample may include all of the accessible population or a fraction of it and this accessible population is a part of the target population. The target population is the collection of cases to which generalization can be made and on which the researcher is ultimately interested in (Sim,J and Wright,C. 2000). Hence the entire process of collection of samples for the indented study can be termed as sampling. Sampling is broadly divided into probability sampling; in which the selection of samples are done at random and non- probability sampling; where selection of samples is entirely dependent on the researcher’s choice and ...

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