Risk Factors Of Osteoporosis

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Although your bones are usually very strong, they consist of living tissue that continually breaks down and rebuilds. As you age, it’s possible for old bone to break down faster than the building of new bone. Osteoporosis is a disease that occurs in the bones. The bones are part of the skeletal system which contains a total of 206 bones. Osteo means bones and porosis means porous. This disease causes the bones to become weak and brittle. Some victims of this disease are not aware that anything is wrong because in the beginning osteoporosis is subtle and painless until a bone breaks. According to (Gronholz, 2008) 30 million women and 10 million men, 50 years and older are diagnosed with osteoporosis in the United States. These people are at …show more content…

According to (Gronholz, 2008) the most common risk factors for this disease are being older than 65 and a history of fractures. Postmenopausal women are at greatest risk for this disease process primarily due to hormone changes. Conditions including stroke, multiple sclerosis, and trauma-induced immobilization along with certain medications that cause bone loss such as immunosuppressants and glucocorticoids can also contribute to the development of osteoporosis. Women who have been identified at risk for osteoporosis are given further screenings to help provide a more effective strategy for risk levels of the disease. According to (Gronholz, 2008) the fracture index is a survey that consists of seven questions focusing on the person’s age, history of broken bones, weight of less than 125 lbs, smoking history, mothers history, does the patient use their hands to get up from a chair, and what was their total T score. Patients who score high on this assessment may require further need of prevention strategies including …show more content…

I believe people should be aware of risk factors associated with disease as well as how the disease is diagnosed. Those who are identified as potential risk should know strategies to combat this illness of the skeletal system. Good nutrition, proper exercise, and avoidance of alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine can help reduce the potential of developing this disabling disease process. Women who are postmenopausal and men over age 50 should request a BMD test to identify the disease in the early stages. I believe with proper education people will be more aware of this disease process and can begin to plan for ways to prevent injuries by adjusting their

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