The Right to Love in Modern Society

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What does same-sex marriage mean? What is happening in the world today that is prohibiting same-sex marriage? Why do people get so fired up about this subject? What does one do to get involved in the marriage equality movement? All of these questions are something that one might ask if one is just learning about what same-sex marriage is and how it affects one’s life. The truth behind the matter is, one shouldn’t be affected at all, if a person of one gender decides to marry another person of that gender or not. The reason most people don’t agree with same sex marriage is because of one’s religion, the impact it would make on society, one’s political view, the affect it would make on the modern family, and because it is different from the norm, and people don’t like drifting from what they know, so that makes it harder for a person in the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) community to get married and be with the person one is in love with. For one to have an opinion on same-sex marriage, one must fully understand what it means. According to marriage is defined as, “a legally, religiously, or socially sanctioned union of persons who commit to one another, forming a familial and economic bond.” This means that anyone should have the right to get married if they are committed to each other. One person should not have the say if a homosexual man or woman gets married to each other because it doesn’t affect one’s life and homosexuals should have just as much rights as heterosexuals do, because we are all humans and we all deserve to have that same rights. These rights are taken away from some homosexuals because of many reasons, one of those reasons being because of the religions of people, and what o... ... middle of paper ... ...and for children of the Unites States, because even if one child isn’t raised in a “Natural Family,” one is still raised in a family instead of being in the foster system all of one’s life, so one knows what it is like to have some kind of parental figure. This concludes that it is good that gays are adopting because then children would be stuck in the system for all of one’s life and it would be better for one to be in a family environment. So, the argument against gay-marriage and adoption is inconclusive, because there is no reason a gay family should not be able to have its own children, because there is children out there who need to be adopted, and people who want to adopt those children. Works Cited ,1, 1 Gay and Lesbian Families, 39 Same love, 1

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