The Themes Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh And Enkidu

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Epic of Gilgamesh tells the king of Uruk famous in Mesopotamia. It is one of the oldest story and emotion comes from a time when perhaps now we have forgotten. Gilgamesh was born over 4000 years ago. It has an important place in world literature, not only because it appeared before the epic of Homero at least 1,500 years, but mainly by the individual characteristics of the story is told. The modern generation of Gilgamesh known only after the clay tablet written in cuneiform script was first detected and decoded in 1853. Since then, the archaeologists began unfolding curtain of the buried city of East Central. Although the finding difficulties, obstacles, but the evidence of the era hero tells us a lot about the ancient world.

Epic of Gilgamesh …show more content…

Gilgamesh and Enkidu 's relationship is described in many ways, many different tones and increasingly warm, durable. Not only sacrifice for each other in times full of "tough challenge" but also in everyday life. When the gods in heaven Meeting decided the animal killers sun would "die for his crimes," Gilgamesh and Enkidu must meet parting scene. Having said that god Enlin variants decide Enkidu must die, but other variants said Enkidu 's death on her self for spiritual friendship. Meanwhile, losing a loved one, Gilgamesh extreme grief, he hugged you cry bitterly: "O my brother, you are who hunt wild donkeys in the mountains and storms ... Your ears do not hear, closed your eyes ... and your heart stopped beating again my heart is cramping terror ". Seven days seven nights, Gilgamesh does not leave the body of his best friend, his body becomes weakness, emaciation, stoutness dissipate, beauty is no more powerful. Grief over the death of a close friend as "haggard face ... corrode heart ... stomach cramps" Gilgamesh. He thought about the injustice, cruelty reigns in the world and determined to do everything to get your body back to earth. This shows that, since ancient times, people have a concept of such great affection. They built themselves a firm support for the life of the spirit is always in harmony and equality. Thinking, feelings of ancient civilizations …show more content…

It showed decay process began to take place in the life of primitive, savage man and were moving to a new social form. Along with the social model innovation system is the introduction of new concepts, against the beliefs of the community for the mystical powers. Epic of Gilgamesh was presented and explained in detail what already exists, what exists and what will remain eternal. Behind the reality of social chaos that primitive, flashed onto the sacred and the immortality of the human life. Along with the progress of civilization of Mesopotamia, Gilgamesh epic has contributed to the foundation for the development of philosophy and the philosophy of Mesopotamia of the East.

Epic of Gilgamesh not only literary value but also significant historical, philosophical, religious ... So far, the research literature in our country has not really go into learn a skill depth of the Gilgamesh epic. In this work, we only give some content to Gilgamesh in his limited

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