Plastic Surgery Argumentative Essay

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Title: Reconstructive & Cosmetic Plastic Surgery: a Pro or a Con? Introduction w/ thesis: Is it the bigger, perkier breasts, the taught tummy, the lifted butt, or the younger looking face that draws people to plastic surgery? Is it the cost, the pain, the perception of being “fake” because you got plastic surgery that pushes people away from wanting to get the surgery? Have you ever considered getting reconstructive or cosmetic plastic surgery? Are you for or against the surgeries? Plastic surgery should only be performed for medical reasons, such as a broken nose, embarrassing or unwanted scars from an accident, or a birth deformity, such as a cleft palate. People get plastic surgery because they want to be perfect in all aspects and improve …show more content…

According to Ruth Lijtmaer’s article, The Beauty and the Beast Inside: The American Beauty—Does Cosmetic Surgery Help?, she states that, “American society’s feminine ideal has consistently emphasized youth as beauty and getting old as ugly” (Para 1). S.J Thorpe, B. Ahmed, and K. Steer’s article, Reasons for Undergoing Cosmetic Surgey: a Retrospective study states, “Research suggests that plastic surgery can be of both physical and psychological benefit to patients” (Pg. 2). Some people get plastic surgery because they want to improve their appearance, their self-confidence, and have a better looking body. Others do it for more serious reasons. Addiction, previous accidents, and to hide something they are ashamed of. Often, people who get plastic surgery are overly happy with the results, thus making them think that they need to have more procedures done. They spend thousands upon thousands of dollars that they don’t have to get plastic surgery done. They usually don’t need the plastic surgery done in the first place. People’s addiction to plastic surgery is somewhat like an addiction to nicotine in cigarettes. They get a natural high from how good they look once healed from the surgery and they think they need more to make themselves look …show more content…

Your health can be improved with plastic surgery. Women with extremely large breasts, suffer with severe back problems, getting a reduction can help with that. People with a deviated septum, or a crooked nose, have trouble breathing, especially when active or while sleeping. The airway is partially blocked and is unable to travel through your nose to your lungs or out to the world. Plastic surgery is often the answer to cases where people have been in severe accidents and have major wounds. People are embarrassed having huge scars or just don’t like the constant reminder of something bad that happened in the past. In order to correct that a skin graft can be done to cover up most of the damaged area. Plastic surgery helps improve how old you look on the outside. A face lift or even Botox can help to tighten any sagging or loose and unwanted

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