Reasons for the Societal Failure in Animal Farm by George Orwell

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Animal Farm by George Orwell, tells the tragic story of what happens when the oppressed farm animals rebel drive out Mr. Jones the farmer and attempt to rule the farm themselves on an equal basis. What the animals seem to have aimed at was a utopian sort of communism, where each would work according to his capacity respecting the needs of others. Here the venture failed and their plan for a perfect society becomes a nightmare. There are many reasons for their failure but the main reason is Napoleon and his followers, the next reason is the animals in the farm haven’t the co-operation to work as family and the other reason is the animals who have the strength do not go against the injustice.
Main reason for the Old major’s plan for a perfect society becomes a nightmare is Napoleon and his followers. He shows how the high ideals that found revolution gradually give way to individual and class-self interest. The animal farm in the story begins as a budding society one of newly emerging rules and rights. Napoleon uses his infinite charm and public social skills to manipulate the animal society until he obtained the leadership. At the beginning Old major presents the seven commandments to represent the idea that ‘no animal must never tyrannize over his own kind, week or strong clever or simple we all are brothers’.
When the animals drive out Mr. Jones, Napoleon and his followers secretly revise some commandments foe their own shake eventually they replace with the maxim ‘all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal but some animals are more equal than others’. Napoleon never wants to create a new society with his power. He emulates the impression if a dictator, forcing other animals to adapt to his ideals and forcing them t...

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...rm demonstrates how the inability or unwillingness to question authority condemns the working class to suffer the full extent of the ruling class’s oppression. However their humble lifestyles make their situation worse than before.
Animal Farm depicts a revolution in progress. Old Major gives the animals a new perspective on their situation under Mr. Jones, which leads them to envision a better future free of human exploitation. At lasts their situation become worse than before. Their dreams of a better or more perfect society in “Animal Farm” reverse into a totalitarian nightmare. All the animals are blind to reality although they are more in number than Napoleon, they are unable to go against them because they haven’t the co-operation to work as a family and the next reason is the one who have the ability does not have the courage to go against the totalitarian.

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