The Quartic Equation and Lodovico Ferrari

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The quartic equation is used by geometry teachers around the world and in computer graphics. This formula originated in Italy in the 1500’s. It was rare for someone to find a solution and achieve fame in doing so. The chances of that happening were slim to none due to the lack of education during this period. A mathematician named Lodovico Ferrari beat those odds and created a formula that still has applications today. Italy in the 1500’s was a different place than what people know now. They had wars going on with other countries. Nobody even had the word “school” on their minds because they had to struggle to stay alive. Even though most of the people in Italy in the 1500s didn’t attend school some of them still had unknown knowledge. One life changing person was born on February 2nd 1522. A young man named Lodovico Ferrari. Lodovico was your average young boy. He didn’t come from money and had no school background what so ever. Lodovico was raised by his uncle when his father passed away. He had a cousin named Luke that worked as a servant for a man named Cardan. Being a servant in Italy around this time was almost everyone’s job. The north of Italy was being taken over by the wealthy families which led the poor to work for the wealthy. Luke had the urge to leave Cardan because he thought being home was better off for him (O'Connor and Robertson). This could have been a dangerous move for him. He didn’t tell anyone where he was going or even that he was leaving. If this would occur now consequences would be made by your boss. You would lose your job and force yourself to lose a reference for a bigger and better job. So just like any boss would do Cardan demanded for Luke back or a replacement. Just a young fourteen year old bo... ... middle of paper ... himself and he didn’t let others like Tartaglia or Zuanne frighten him. He gained a best friend through his fame that truly motivated him. He never asked for much but the one thing that meant the world to him was his formula. Ferrari knew he would have to jump through hoops to make sure that his formula became known. It really was a turning point in Italy when Ferrari’s formula was published. The year 1545 changed the mathematician history books forever. Ferrari’s formula is now used by millions of people around the world on a daily basis. People of the Italian heritage should be extremely proud in Ferrari and their background. Ferrari may have inspired so many people around the world because of how hard he worked to get what he wanted. Math, Italy, and the world changed forever the day Ferrari past away. He will forever be known as a legend to so many people.

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