Analysis Of The Quarrel Of Achilles And Agamemnon

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12. The Quarrel of Achilles and Agamemnon
In the beginning we are told that Apollo sent a great plague throughout Agamemnon’s army because he wouldn’t return Chryses’ daughter. Chryses begged the army, but more importantly the two commanders, to accept his gifts and return his daughter. The army replied that they respect the priest, but then harshly rejected the priests offer. After this happened Chryses prayed to Apollo that he might cast a great plague so Apollo shot arrows of despair first at their dogs and mules, but then the men themselves, taking them down in droves for a total of nine days. After facing defeat due to the plague, Achilles stood and began talk of retreat, but before such actions were taken he called for a seer …show more content…

Clatter then tells him that Apollo is mad at Agamemnon and that he will only stop when the daughter of Chryses with sparkling eyes is returned. Agamemnon is enraged by the news saying that he holds the daughter to a very high standard, even higher than his wife, and that the seer is always negative towards him and that his prize is being snatched away. Achilles offered to return the girl and the army would repay him 3 to 4 times over and that maybe one day Zeus would reward him again. Agamemnon decides to gather a ship and oarsmen with the girl in tow. Achilles then goes on a rant about how Agamemnon is greedy and selfish and how he always takes the majority of whatever they receive. Agamemnon said that he didn’t need them if they didn’t want to be there. Achilles then drew his sword to kill Agamemnon, but Athena stopped him and said that Hera said she cared for both men and that if Achilles didn’t hurt nor threat Agamemnon that he would one day be rewarded three fold. Achilles responds by becoming very angry. Pylons begged for there to be no fighting and told Agamemnon to give …show more content…

The section itself begins by saying that Apollo and Poseidon were the ones who ultimately set everything right, which gives me the impression that it doesn’t really matter what the Trojan’s and Achean’s do because their fate has already been sealed by a higher power. Another aspect that is interesting to me is the significance of seeing the eagle. When the eagle was spotted everyone immediately took it as a sign and became concerned about whether they should continue or not. This is fascinated to me because if you want to compare this scenario to modern day you might find a few people who would associate this event as a sign from their God, but the majority of people wouldn’t care. I guess what I’m most interested in is the mass belief in the idea of a God system and how much control they believe they

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