Secular Humanism Essay

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Humanity is made in the image of God. Therefore, all people have unique and valuable gifts to contribute to society. Every individual is also a sinner in need of redemption through Christ’s death and resurrection. Developing a relationship with Christ is the foundational purpose of my Christian educational practice. Instruction must be differentiated because each student is a unique creation. Effective differentiation is impossible without the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the use of research-based instructional methods and formative evaluation. Powerful teaching constantly modifies instruction to best address the needs of the each student and provides a foundation of love that recognizes each child as a gift from God. Keywords: redemption, …show more content…

However, secular humanism removes the concept of absolute truth and replaces it with relativism. This has the potential to create classrooms and societies that are governed by those who have the most power and not by the truth of Scripture which seeks to protect the poor and the weak (Moreland, 2007). The only way that good will triumph over evil is if the truth of Christ’s death and resurrection is able to hold in check the sinful nature of mankind. A classroom that removes God from the picture is a classroom that will ultimately produce a society that ignores the needs of the weak and caters to the needs of the powerful. The Bible enables students to understand who they are, who God is and the realities of the world they live in (Graham, 2003). In contrast, secular humanism allows people to deceive themselves into thinking that they can overcome their sinful nature and create a perfect world apart from God (Moreland, …show more content…

Creation in the image of God implies that all children have inherent value. When students are able to recognize their inherent value they are also able to develop a joy for developing their gifts. The Protestant reformer Calvin recognized the inherent value of all people and sought to create schools that would empower the poor to use their God given abilities to help themselves (Gutek, 2011). Current research demonstrates that formal education has a significant positive impact on improved economic conditions in countries throughout the world (Barro, 2013). However, education should not be focused solely on economic returns. When education becomes focused on economic returns it is possible to become like Nazi Germany where only the strong and intelligent are valued (Cayton, Perry & Winkler, 1998). Christian education must recognize that serving and loving others is as important financial success. Graham (2009) described how Christian schools can fall into the trap of placing academics and worldly success above foundational Biblical truths. Graduates of Christian schools focused on worldly success may believe that the acquisition of things is more important than caring for those God has placed in their

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