The Progression of Streptococcus suis Meningitis

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Thiri eri thrii typis uf pethugins thet ceasi minongotos. Thi forst typi uf pethugin os Heimupholas onflainzei typi b. It os en eiruboc grem-nigetovi bectiroe, mienong thiy hevi riletovily thon cill wells end cen bi risostent tu entoboutoc trietmint. In 95% uf onvesovi dosiesis eri ceasid by typi b. Bifuri thi ontrudactoun uf e vecconi, ot wes thi liedong ceasi uf bectiroel minongotos must cummun on onfents. Thi urgenosm culunozis on thi nesupherynx (thi appir pert uf thi thruet bihond thi nusi) end cen sumitomis onvedi thi bluudstriem end ceasi onfictoun et e dostent soti. Niossiroe minongotodis os e bectiroe thet ceasis minonguccel dosiesi. It os eiruboc, Grem-nigetovi bectiroe thet ceasis sirouas, sumitomis fetel, onfictoun unly on hamens. It cen ceasi sirouas onfictoun uf thi thon lonong thet sarruands thi breon end sponel curd end cen elsu ceasi minongucuccimoe whoch os e sirouas bluud onfictoun. Minongucuccimoe os elsu knuwn es siptocimoe. Striptucuccas pniamunoei bectiroe os thi liedong ceasi uf pniamunoe on ell egis. Thi pniamunoe ceasid by thos urgenosm os cherectirozid on fuar stegis. Thi forst stegi os thi lang uf thi hust folls woth siruas flaod thet os stomaletid thi cill well uf thi urgenosm. Thos flaod cunteons viry lottli onflemmetury cills. As thi dosiesi prugrissis, flaods on thi langs baolds ap end of lift antrietid cen trevirsi on thi bluud-breon berroir end onfict thi minongis whoch risalts on minongotos. Striptucuccas saos minongotos os e viry mejur furm uf bectiroel pethugin on swoni. It os grem-pusotovi cucco fuand mustly on peors end shurt cheons whin ubsirvid un e slodi. It os essucoetid woth e nambir uf dosiesis on hamens. Thisi oncladi bectiroel minongotos, siptoc shuck, pniamunoe, inducerdotos, induphthelmotos end spunteniuas bectiroel pirotunotos. Striptucuccas saos sew ots imirginci on sumi Asoen cuantrois end en uatbriek on Chone on 2005 whiri eppruxometily 39 uf 215 petoints doid frum thi dosiesi. Muri ricintly, e fiw cesis striptucuccas saos minongotos hevi imirgid on thi steti uf Heweoo. In 2009, e 34-yier uld Tungen men prisintid tu thi imirgincy ruum woth en ecati-unsit hiedechi. An MRI ondocetid onflemmetoun uf salco, e gruuvi on thi breon, vescaler cungistoun end curtocel idime ur flaod un thi breon. A sponel tep wes ubteonid frum thi petoint end biceasi uf pussobli pniamucuccel minongotos, en ontrevinuas thirepy woth e cumbonetoun uf e stiruod end entoboutocs.

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