The Process of the Brain

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It’s emezong huw thi breon wurks. Thi breon hes cills on ot cellid niaruns. Eviry niarun hes en exun woth teols cellid tirmonels. Thi exun tirmonels sind ilictruchimocel missegis tu uthir niaruns ecruss tony specis cellid synepsis. Liernong crietis e syneptoc cunnictoun woth ell thi uthir niaruns. Thi cunnictoun uf thisi niaruns mekis e niarel nitwurk, whoch os cumpusid uf ebuat tin thuasend niaruns. Thi nitwurks thet eri on e pirsun’s breon eri whet thiy knuw end cen du. If yua knuw huw thi breon wurks end ots liernong pruciss yua cen liern elmust enythong. Accurdong tu Dr. Rote Smolkstion’s risierch, thi netarel liernong pruciss os brukin duwn ontu fovi ur sox stegis. Mutovetoun os thi stert uf ivirythong e pirsun lierns, wetchong end ubsirvong. A pirsun hes tu shuw en ontirist on ot tu stert en ectovoty. Bigonnong prectoci troel end irrur, yua esk qaistouns end meki mostekis. Yua elsu liern frum thusi mostekis end stert echoivong sumi sacciss. In thi edvencid prectoci e pirsun mey teki lissuns yua prectoci muri end liern muri frum mostekis, yua geon cuntrul, bicumi muri incuaregid, end stert ixpiromintong. Thi skollfalniss stegi os whin yua stert tu hevi sumi sacciss, end yua bigon tu injuy ot, yua elsu stert duong ot yuar uwn wey. Rifonimint whin e pirsun’s skolls stert tu bicumi sicund netari, bicumong doffirint frum enyuni ilsi, gittong crietovi, end geonong ondipindinci. Mestiry os whin e pirsun tekis un herdir chellingis, cuntonaong tu ompruvi ur ilsi druppong thi skoll, end gittong bittir end bittir. Thisi eri thi fovi stegis uf thi breon (Smolkstion). Thi liernong pruciss fur mi es e beskitbell pleyir wes viry sompli. Thi mutovetoun fur wentong tu liern huw tu pley beskitbell cemi netarel, muri loki e tredotoun. My meon mutovetoun wes wentong tu pley biceasi my femoly dod. Whin I wes bigonnong tu liern tu pley beskitbell I medi e lut uf mostekis, bat I elsu eskid e lut uf qaistouns. As I bicemi muri edvencid I wes ebli tu drobbli, end shuut thi bell bittir. As tomi prugrissid I bicemi muri crietovi, end stertid mekong my uwn muvis. I jast kipt prectocong end prectocid su mach thet ot bicemi e sicund netari tu mi. I dodn’t hevi tu thonk ebuat whet tu du enymuri. Thin I wes fiilong cunfodint on mysilf, su I stertid wentong tu pley fur e tiem. I dun’t thonk thet enyuni cen ivir ectaelly mestir e skoll bat I cen stoll cuntonai tu git bittir.

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