Prevention Is Better Than Cure

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There is a common statement that prevention is better than cure. However, it is controversial as the safety and effectiveness of immunization is continuously contested. The major argument is whether vaccines are safe or not for human beings. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), all vaccines used in Canada and globally are thoroughly tested and they are approved for use which protect children and adults from several diseases and disabilities. Moreover, World Health Organization (WHO), reported that immunization is a proven tool for controlling and eliminating life-threatening infectious diseases and is estimated to avert between 2 and 3 million deaths each year. It is one of the most cost-effective health investments, with recognized strategies that make it accessible to even the most hard-to-reach and vulnerable populations. Immunizations are the safest way to protect an individual from brain, heart, and lunges diseases and even death which does not require any major lifestyle changes. Immunizations are free and safe for several reasons. This essay argues that vaccines are safe and cost effective means of providing preventative medicine. First, vaccines prevent diseases, infections, and disabilities. The CDC recommends vaccinations from birth through adulthood to provide a lifetime of protection against many diseases and infections, such as influenza, pneumococcal diseases, hepatitis, and polio. According to WHO, approximately 50,000 adults in the United States die from vaccine preventable diseases. Like eating healthy foods, exercising and getting regular checkups, vaccines play a vital role in keeping individual healthy (PHAC). In addition, researches describe that unvaccinated children have a much greater cha... ... middle of paper ... ... 2011 due to stop in immunization proves that vaccine is necessary to prevent diseases, infection and disabilities. Nevertheless, it is important assess patient’s health conditions and allergies before administering any vaccines to minimize side effects. In conclusion, there are many evidence that shows immunization is essential component in reducing vaccine preventable diseases and is important to all regardless, of age and country they live in. Immunization protects individuals and communities by preventing the spread of disease. Immunization is one of these preventive interventions, with a potential to bring economic benefits beyond just health benefits. Studies show that prevention of diseases from vaccination far outweighs the risks. Vaccines let individual to build immunity in a safe controlled environment and are continuously monitored for safety and efficacy.

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