The Importance Of Political Skills

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Political skill was introduced as a construct roughly three decades ago and yet research on the topic remains less than robust. Broadly, political skill is seen as the ability to evaluate situations and understand others effectively in the work environment. Individuals who are adept at maximizing their political skills also have the ability to influence others in such a way that appears sincere in order to meet an end goal, whether that is personal or professional.
Past research has developed four dimensions of political skill: Social astuteness (perceptive observers and discerners of people and situations; self-aware); interpersonal influence (use power and influence over others; flexible and adaptable); networking ability (build friendships, …show more content…

This change in hierarchical position often necessitates an advanced level of political skill not required in lower level positions. A persona of effective leadership often surrounds individuals in higher management positions which is key to influencing others around them. In terms of effective political skill, behaviors must be perceived as authentic and it is this perceived genuineness which lends itself to developing powerful alliances as well as inspiring lower level employees. Political skill is also seen as having the ability to increase one’s network resources, thereby having a positive effect on an individual’s career success as well as their job performance. Because of their overall charming and adaptable nature, politically skilled individuals are able to bridge gaps, build strong networking relationships and connect to wider social circles in order to move their career or organization in the direction of their desire (Wei, Chiang, & Wu, 2011.)
In a recent longitudinal study conducted by Blickle et al, political skill was a significant predictor of hierarchical position, income and career satisfaction one year later when controlled for age and gender. Political skill has also been found to be a statistically significant indicator of promotability (Gentry, Gilmore, Shuffler, & Leslie, 2011.) These studies demonstrate the manner in which political skill helps individuals to obtain career

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