The Pokemon Master

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The crowd thundered in excitement, screaming the names of the Pokémon trainers, encouraging the Trainers to battle their hardest. The stadium rumbled in anticipation for the coming fight. A metallic whirring sound revealed a stage, each on their respective sides of the field, rising from the ground, penetrating the exuberant night sky. An individual stood on each of the stages; these people were the Pokémon trainers. Reaching for a dual-colored sphere on their belts, the trainers threw the orb in the air. The sphere shimmered, and released a burst of red energy, quickly solidifying into the marvelous creatures known as Pokémon. The referee ran off of the field, assuming his position on the sidelines, and yelled, “Let the battle begin!” Pokémon, or “pocket monsters”, are extraordinary creatures, capable of marvelous things. Researchers have discovered hundreds of species of these Pokémon, but there are many more yet to be discovered. People and Pokémon live together in peace and harmony. Some care for them, others study them and their mysterious characteristics, and many live and battle alongside them. These people are known as Pokémon trainers. Pokémon trainers capture and collect Pokémon, train with their Pokémon, and battle other Pokémon trainers. Some Trainers even aspire to become Pokémon Masters, but it is a long and hard journey, full of challenges and hardships. Among the many Pokémon trainers, there was one who had just started her journey at the age of sixteen. For all of her life, she dreamed of becoming a Pokémon Master, and, finally, her dream was about to unfold into a spectacular adventure. A gentle beam of sunlight peeked into the still, quiet room through the open window. Light orange curtains swayed gently with... ... middle of paper ... ...pocket. She shook Professor Oak’s hand, and said joyfully, “Thank you so much, for everything, Professor Oak.” “Oh, it’s my pleasure, Miranda! Remember, always strive to learn new things, and always, always, do your best. Try your hardest. If you do, you can accomplish anything,” “I will, Professor, I promise!” she said as she headed for the door, waving goodbye to the Professor. She walked out of the laboratory, and stood on the steps. Barely able to contain herself, she jumped up and down, and squeaked, “Yes! Finally! My adventure is about to begin! Yay!” She ran down the stairs, skipping two, three, four steps at a time, and tripped at the bottom. She bounced back up, with a giant grin on her face, and exclaimed, “This is gonna’ be fun!” She hopped onto her bicycle, and made her way to Viridian City, the place where Miranda hoped to win her first Gym Badge.

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