Supposition II : Influence Of Pharmaceutical Companies

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Supposition II: Influence of Pharmaceutical Companies The next supposition I want to discuss is Dr. Frances opinion that pharmaceutical companies’ direct-to-consumer advertising is hurting patients and even psychiatry itself. I chose this supposition because I get tired of watching television and seeing advertisements for psychiatric medications. Furthermore, I get very annoyed when the advertisements try to make diagnosis that many people struggle with every day seem like a walk in the park that can be “cured” with the use of their medication. Therefore, due to my aggravation with medication commercials I chose to address this supposition. Direct-to-Consumer Advertisement Dr. Frances states that “a persistent, pervasive, and well-financed disease awareness campaign can create disease where no existed before” (pg. 211). In my opinion, this statement is correct. By allowing pharmaceutical companies to directly advertise to potential consumers and purchase political and medical support; we have created an environment where pharmaceutical companies have control rather than the social workers, psychiatrist, and therapist who are knowledgeable about mental illness and have a genuine care regarding the well-being of their clients. However, the pharmaceutical companies advertising techniques do not just stop at television commercials, they expand way beyond that to online advertisements. Pharmaceutical companies advertise on the internet; however, much of their advertisement are ill-informed and focus on selling their product rather than the well-being of the consumer. According Graber and Weckmann (2002) as cited in Read and Cain (2013), an analysis of several pharmaceutical company sites about anti-depressant medication indicated tha... ... middle of paper ... ...ting of risperidone” and was “fined in criminal and civil fines for deceptive practices including hiding risks and exaggerating benefits” (Every-Palmer & Howick, 2014, pg. 910). Conclusion All in all, Dr. Frances makes some great supposition in his book. His critical analysis of DSM-5 as well as other factors that influence the mental health field enabled me to think deeper into my personal opinions about a diagnostic tool and field that I interact with on a daily basis. By reading Dr. France’s book, Saving Normal, I will be better informed about the strengths and limitations of not only DSM-5, but also specific diagnosis within the text. Through Dr. Frances research and opinions related to DSM-5, and the research that I have conducted to construct this paper, I have become a better clinician equipped to assist individuals that I come into contact with in practice.

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