Personality Disorders Affect Social Repuration

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Nowadays, some people are very oblivious to what they are going through in life. They don’t even know what they’re doing is affecting their social reputation. Personality disorders come with many types, such as the effective, sensitive, dependent, independent, or narcissistic types. Personality disorders are usually based on that person’s character traits; also known as the series of attitudes and response patterns that person obtains or learns over time. Additionally, it involves various private qualities such as work or study habits, moral opinions, neatness, and concern and judgment of others. Narcissistic Personality Disorder revolves around arrogant behavior, a lack of understanding, a strong need for appreciation and admiration, all of which must be noticeable in public and in social relationships. People with this disease tend to have an exceptionally high self-esteem, being described as frequently stubborn, cruel, self-centered, manipulative, and controlling. People should know that personality disorders could become a big threat to our lives and society, causing us influence on our social relationships, deep depression and lack of empathy, negative emotions that drive us to distrust others and to loathe themselves and others.
First of all, having Narcissistic Personality Disorder can be connected to an improper childhood or high expectations. This disease is described by dramatic and emotional behavior, which is categorized with antisocial and borderline personality disorders. It is also possible that genetics or psychobiology, the connection between the human brain and thinking, plays a big part in the evolution of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. For example, a person can develop into a narcissist because of self-refl...

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... and even financial affairs in business. Several narcissists may be fairly unhappy and confused by contradictory emotions. Your peers wouldn’t enjoy being around you, and you could find your relationships very unpleasant. If this personality disorder isn’t treated immediately, your condition may worsen and will leave you helpless. Because the exact cause of Narcissistic Personality Disorder isn't correctly determined, there’s no possible way to prevent the disease. But family therapy could help families learn healthy ways to communicate and work with conflicts or emotional distress revolving in the family. Parents with personality disorders can benefit from parenting classes and guidance from special therapists or social workers. (MayoClinic). Narcissists can learn to be less arrogant about others, and narcissism can lessen when people are included in social groups.

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