Narcissistic Personality Research Paper

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Narcissistic personality disorder is condition where an affected person has a superiority complex, or elevated feeling of self worth. These people do not experience much empathy for others, and often suffer problems in social situations such as work, or relationships. In contrast to the grandiosity they may present, under the surface these individuals have very a fragile self confidence and are easily hurt by criticism.
The exact cause of Narcissistic personality is not fully known or understood. Like many other personality disorders, it is believed that many factors combine to create this disorder. Genetics along with unbalanced parenting styles can form a “perfect storm” in which the disorder can grow.
Risk Factors
• Affects …show more content…

During talk therapy, the client can learn to better associate with other people, leading to more fulfilling and enjoyable relationships. During this therapy, the client can learn to identify negative behaviors, understand what is causing it and eventually learn how to more positively cope with their emotions.
Cognitive Behavioral therapy – for this disorder, the therapist and patient will focus on developing more assertiveness along with more positive attitudes and outlook of themselves as they relate to their environment and in social relationships.
Medications – there are no medications specifically approved or used for the treatment of Narcissistic personality disorder, any drugs prescribed are to treat depression, anxiety or any other underlying healthy issues.
• Antidepressants (SSRI’s) – Prozac (Fluoxetine), Paxil (Paroxetine), Lexapro (Escitalopram), Celexa (Citalopram) and Zoloft (Sertraline) to help with depressive symptoms or mood problems associated with dependent personality …show more content…

• Mood Stabilizers – Lamictal (Lamotrigine), Depakote (Valproic Acid) and Lithobid (Lithium) to help regulate impulses.
Alternative treatment – stress reduction techniques like yoga, daily meditation and deep breathing exercises. Treatment Goals The goal of therapy is about encouraging the affected individual to feel more independent as well as exhibiting a more active involvement in relationships, to include forming more healthy interdependent relationships. Medications used for these patients are mainly used to manage depression and anxiety symptoms.
Nursing Interventions
1. Assess client’s current mental status and LOC. Rationale: determine a baseline as well as the client’s current state of mind.
2. Assist the client to identifying consequences related to their hostile behavior and frequent criticism. Rationale: identification will then allow them to start being responsible for their actions, thoughts and feelings.
3. Do not respond to clients condescending statements. Rationale: responding to negative behavior will reinforce that it is acceptable. It is best to ignore

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