Personal Narrative: My Teenage Pregnancy

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I Became a Victim of Teenage Pregnancy

High school years are supposed to be a time for fun and exciting events in every adolescent's life. There are parties, ball games, and local after school hangout joints where we can meet. All combined to making high school the most memorable years of any teenage girl?s life. However, my experience in high school took an uneventful turn in tenth grade. My carefree ways had to end and a new wave of responsibility was presented to me. I found out that I was two months pregnant. My thoughts tugged at my conscience, how was I to tell the father of my unborn child? Would my mother support my decision? I had to forget about my partying ways and hanging with my friends. My freedom days of coming and going were about to be over and I quickly became the girl about whom everyone was talking.

I told my boyfriend who was the captain of our football team three weeks after I found out, about the pregnancy. ?What?? He yelled out in surprise, with his six feet four inches, two hundred and ten pounds body shaking from fear. ?We can work through this baby? I told him, trying to soothe his spirit. I remembered Jake and I always being happy, we were the perfect couple. I thought I knew him but with the condition I was in he proved me wrong. ?I love you and with this love we will conquer anything that becomes an obstacle,? he once told me. This situation on the other hand was different. He had dreams, and with so much potential, the last thing Jak...

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... the hallways. The most uncommon experience is having people point at me in streets warning their children not to be like me, but I am a very confident individual, and I am determined to go on with my life and show everyone that this little setback is not going to stop me from being an achiever in life.

Who knows? In twenty one years I will look back as a proud mother knowing that I did not give up my child. As for Andre, that will be his name he might become a football star like his father , earning millions of dollars per game or maybe a successful business owner like his mother. I became a victim of teenage pregnancy yes! But I will not let it make me what people say I will be, I am more than a failure, I will be a conqueror.

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