Emotional Issues In Organized Sports

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A parents dream of popularity, college scholarships, and professional athleticism lead them into blindly pushing their children into misery. In an article written by Baldwin Ellis, he suggests that an array of emotional issues can stem from this type of parenting (Ellis,2015). The act of pushing may, in fact, encourage the child to perform at a level less than their actual potential. Kathryn Hatler of Demand Media sites that countles parents live their lives vicariously through their children (Hatler,n.d.). Minimal facts are given on the positive effects of parents pushing their children in any activity so why does it exist so prominent in our society today? Parents should encourage their children in the sport of the child’s choosing rather …show more content…

With correct leadership,the benefits of participation begin to show in childhood and continually appear in adulthood. During adolescents, organized sports enable individuals to exude superior sportsmanship, self-discipline, social skills, teamwork abilities, along with improving health initiatives( Ireland,2015 ). These skills are key components in the development of character and the ability to socially function in society as an adult. For instance, when a child can control their emotions, exuding positive sportsmanship, it gives insight into how they will cope with situations later in life. Athletes require self-discipline physically and emotionally. As adults, there will not be a single day that an individual isn’t compelled to implement self-discipline whether it be in what they eat or the words they choose to speak. Organized sports can be a major impact in a child’s life, but it 's imperative to be paired with positive parenting to reach its maximum potential. Parents have lost sight of the positive lifelong journey that sports can have on their young athlete. Rather, they have shifted their focus on training their future stars with long practices, extensive travel, and constant …show more content…

When a child lacks the natural born talent of athleticism, they can be destroyed emotionally and physically. The 2005 Youth Sports Report Card rated parental behavior and involvement as “unacceptable and needing improvement”(Citizenship Through Sports Alliance,2005). Community sports have “lost their child-centered focus” and has become “too specialized and over interested in parents”(Citizenship Through Sports Alliance,2005). Failing parental expectations, the child will lose any enjoyment felt previously in participation. Their desire to play is diminished, confidence decreases and anxiety overwhelms their innocent minds. Something that was created to add enjoyment and positively influence their life becomes a nightmare that they are unable to cope with. They become humiliated due to inadequately fulfilling their peer 's expectations as well as their

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