Owning Life: Biopatenting and Bioprospecting

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Owning Life: Biopatenting and Bioprospecting In the 2008 movie “Repo: The Genetic Opera”, organ replacement has become so easy and commonplace that you can pay for such a procedure on a line of credit from GeneCo., the company that controls the organ replacement market. However, just as a house paid for by a loan extended by a bank, your new organ is owned by GeneCo. until you have paid off this loan—and if you don’t make your payments, it will be repossessed. This film is dystopian due to the horrific absurdity of the idea that a human life is little different from a house, car, or big screen television; just as one buys food, shelter, or the luxuries and conveniences of modern living, so too does one buy the convenience of living. It’s a strange question to ask if life can be owned. Human slavery is generally viewed as abhorrent, yet we are said to ‘own’ our animal companions. Parents are sometimes treated as owning their children (in some ways having children is like having pets) and still other times it is the government that owns them—everyone owns juveniles except themselves. But then there are less obvious ways to ‘own’ someone. There’s a phrase that is used when you rely heavily on someone or are deeply in their debt, “I own you.” There is also the more abstract reality of intellectual property rights (IPRs)!!!definition!!! In any context, ownership implies an element of control over the thing or being which is owned. There has been much debate over intellectual property rights in recent years, largely revolving around digital media copyright. While the issue of artists having control over and being compensated for their work is certainly relevant, it isn’t nearly as interesting or pertinent as the privatization and co... ... middle of paper ... ... Works Cited McNally, Ruth, and Peter Wheale. "Biopatenting and Biodiversity: Comparative Advantages in the New Global Order." Ecologist 26.5 (1996): 222-228. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 June 2010. Rosendal, G. Kristin. "Balancing Access and Benefit Sharing and Legal Protection of Innovations From Bioprospecting." Journal of Environment & Development 15.4 (2006): 428-447. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 June 2010. Shiva, Vandana. "Comparative Perspectives Symposium: Bioprospecting/Biopiracy: Bioprospecting as Sophisticated Biopiracy." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture & Society 32.2 (2007): 307-313. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 June 2010. “General Information Concerning Patents.” United States Patent and Trademark Office. USPTO, 9 Sept. 2008. Web. 16 June 2010.

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