Our Earth's Need for Natural Renewable Sources of Energy

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Renewable sources of energy, is an energy that comes from natural sources that make many governments initiate programmes of energy production from renewable sources to reduce using fossil fuels because our dependence on fossil fuels for energy pollutes the atmosphere with greenhouse gases , such as nitrogen oxides , volatile organic compounds , sulfur dioxide and heavy metals, leading to a seriously bad impacts on the planet’s ecosystems, including forests and the weather. Not only fossil fuel could generate power but there are also another ways to generate energy , for example Germany and Spain began using Wind power and Solar energy as a main source of energy.

Wind power is the process in which wind changes to a useful form of energy, for example, using wind turbines to generate electrical power. Also, I think wind power is an alternative way to generate energy to fossil fuels, and that’s because wind could be found in large quantities at any time , as it also don’t pollute the environment during the operation phase. In Addition to that , it uses little land, has less effects on the environment and generally less problematic than those from other power sources. Moreover, Wind power produces 2.5 watts per square meter (MacKay, 2010). As a result of that the installed capacity of wind power in Germany was 29,075 megawatts (Anon., n.d.) , producing about 8 percent of Germany’s total electrical power, while the installed capacity of Spain was 20,661 megawatts about 23 percent of Spain’s total electrical power (pilarmgarre, 2011) . Germany Comes in the second place in Wind Power energy production by more than 21,607 wind turbines are located in the German federal area and the country will expand the number of wind turbines in ...

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...rge taxes for industries that use fossil fuel. Finally, government can make an event with famous people to aware the people of the important of the renewable energy on our environment.

Anon., n.d. shelf3d. [Online]
Available at: http://shelf3d.com/i/Wind%20power%20in%20Germany
Anon., n.d. spectikon. [Online]
Available at: http://www.spectikon.com/solar.html
MacKay, 2010. http://eands.caltech.edu/. [Online]
Available at: http://eands.caltech.edu/articles/LXXIII3/2010_Summer_MacKay.pdf
Maharaj, 2013. [Online]
Available at: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/soc.culture.british/btav1s3YPlw/JmnzWIZJdp0J patrex, 2012. [Online]
Available at: http://blogs.cas.suffolk.edu/patrex/2012/09/24/germanys-green-energy-policy/ pilarmgarre, 2011. slideshare. [Online]
Available at: http://www.slideshare.net/pilarmgarre/tomasa-renewable-energy-in-spain

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