Obesity in America

729 Words2 Pages

What is it?
The topic of this essay is on Obesity and the information regarding how it can affect ones physical and mental wellbeing. Basically Obesity is where you have an excessive amount of body fat that can be harmful to the human body, and to be very clear obesity and overweight are two different things, being that “overweight” is about weighing too much, which can come from a number of different reasons like muscles, bones and fat. Whereas “Obesity” is about how may calories you intake daily compared to how much you should eat. The common scale people use to measure is the BMI (body mass index) and 30.0 is classed as obese.

Around the world the percentages of people who are becoming obese is significantly growing and it doesn’t look like that the trend is going to be ending anytime soon according to a study done by the Monash University, who say that more than 5 million Australians fall into the obese category with an over 30.0 BMI presently. According to the study obesity is the biggest cause of premature deaths in Australia overtaking cigarettes and has become the “single biggest threat to public health in Australia”

How it effects our health-
The effects Obesity has on the everyday person’s health can potentially be strenuous, painful and even deadly. It can cause a number of painful and inconvenient physical issues that can lower your life expectancy such as:
Diabetes which can occur because high fat levels increase cholesterol levels, insulin resistance, heart disease, organ dysfunction, immunity dysfunction. It raises the risk of a wide range of different cancers like kidney, pancreas, colon and rectum, thyroid, gallbladder and breast cancer (after menopause.) There’s also a higher chance of someone suffering a stro...

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...lar you are, but obesity caused by genes, it’s not something you can control and that your pre disposed to. Obviously some families have a genetic cause to blame for their obesity. There’s different lifestyle factors like working a night shift, having a busy lifestyle so you don’t have enough time to do certain activities when you get home or finish, or have a certain wind down time to eat. Certain unexpected life changes like ageing or pregnancy make it hard for people to keep their weight in check. A persons hormones play an important part in weight control aswell, and obviously a person’s surroundings like family, friends, economic situation, tragedies and availability also play a major part. And lastly there psychological factors like emotional eating, people eating based on what they’re feeling is linked to a psychological battle to eat things our body need.

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