The Pros And Cons Of The Atomic Bomb

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During World War II, a new, powerful, and top-secret weapon of mass destruction was necessary in order to defeat Hitler and Germany. This weapon was the Atomic Bomb, these bombs were controversial due to it 's sheer power to decimate an entire city, and kill possibly millions after it was tested. It 's name was Trinity in 1945. Let us rewind back three years when Nazi Germany was a strong force to be dealt with. There were fears and discussions about Nazi Germany was possibly developing and building a nuclear weapon during WWII. This fearfulness triggered President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to assemble a crew of top-secret scientist which even included the assistance of Albert Einstein. This protect came to be famed as the, “Manhattan Project.” The starting gun has been fired and the race to the newest weapon was on! Initial thought of the atomic bombs would be much too heavy to carry them via aircraft. Roosevelt approved of the “Uranium Committee” and awarded them $6,000.00 dollars to mine the uranium and graphite in order to craft this ultimate weapon. …show more content…

So after Emperor Hirohito continued to ignore the threat on August 6th, 1945 Little Boy was aimed over Hiroshima Japan and dropped. This atomic bomb destroyed the little city and killed at least 66,000 individuals. Hirohito continued the fight and refused to surrender unconditionally. A few days later it was the decision to drop the plutonium bomb (Much stronger than Little Boy) named Fat Man over an untouched and unscathed area in Japan. The choice that was made was to bomb Nagasaki. On August 9th, 1945 the bomb was dropped and missed the target and hit the side of a mountain. The destruction was phenomenal and would have been even more devastating if the bomb had hit it 's intended target. Over 39,000 people had died in this

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