Exploring Gender Equality: Challenging Stereotypes and Roles

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Welcome to the new world where gender roles are blurred and near invisible. It must seem impossible for such a world to exist yet it can, when men and women can be seen as equals in all fields and gender roles are erased. There is a great disturbance in the force that has lived longer than any human and they call it gender stereotypes over time the name has changed, but the most memorable names for the gender roles or stereotypes are guy and girl codes. These codes now define humans, as a that man in one corner and the woman in another. Because of the gender roles that were established years ago it seems as if there is discrimination within the community if that person does not oblige to do the action. There is discrimination against men and women, and it seems as if they are at war due to the injustice that that they may have faced. Both genders will continue to face injustice if the ignorance of gender roles continue to be the backbone of life. Eventually there must come change to the stereo types. Gender stereotypes have damaged communities by backing people into a corner. Both genders should be treated equally because there is something they have in common, having humanity.
Gender roles have been defined and it seems almost impossible to shift the scale of the role for men and women. Men are supposed to be strong and women are supposed to be fragile. Michael Kimmel said when asking young women what they think it means to be a woman, they give him a puzzled look, and basically say whatever they wish. Yes that is true, both males and females have the ability to choose a
I can remember times when I thought being a man meant I had to brash, stout and something even beyond that, but eventually I was able to perceive that they are titles given by force. The titles still strike me today and cause me anguish when I know that the stereotype may not apply to

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