New Model For An Improved Penal System

1301 Words3 Pages

Gentlemen of the Association, I am here to present to you an idea; the idea that our prison system is currently working against all of that for which we stand. Unfortunate as it may be, the current system we have implemented in our penitentiaries is failing. The current administration lacks the control it should naturally have; the prisoners who are released are likely to recommit crimes and thus continue to pose a threat to society while also reentering the system multiple times. I propose to phase out the current industrial system we long ago implemented, and in its place put into operation a newly rehabilitative and therapeutic model of the penitentiary. The new system will benefit a number of parties, including the administration, the prisoners, and the outside society. It will return control back into the hands of administration, rather than in the hands of the prisoners where it currently lies. A newer system will bring about the change so many of our current prisoners are fearing, but in a way that help them to understand and embrace said change, again resulting in more control for the administration as well as progress in the area of individual rehabilitation for each inmate. Additionally, I propose that this system is beneficial to the citizens of this country who are outside our prison walls, and lastly that the new model of the penal system is conducive to the current social and political climate. As promised, I will continue in my description and explanation of this vastly improved system.

The new model, the therapeutic model, proposes a system of individualized attention and rehabilitation for the inmates. This brings about a population of inmates, and thus a cohesive society, that is more completely rehabilit...

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...chical dimensions of prison organizations, and its detriments. He strongly emphasized the importation and adaptation of lifestyles within the system, and the importance of the “rankings” of inmates within the system and how it reflects upon their social status outside of the prison walls. Additional research illustrates that an ideal prison in the therapeutic model will allow prisoners liberty, autonomy, security and material goods; it will lack the abuse and deprivation that causes the current instability within the prisons, and it will eliminate the corruption.

All in all, the system I propose to you today will bring about positive changes in both the penal system and our society. It will benefit and improve the conditions of the prisons for those who are in charge as well as the inmates, and it is thoroughly supported by the educated community of our nation.

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