Nestorius and The Council of Ephesus

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There are a lot of heresies that came out in the early churches. They emerge probably because the early church does not have a very strong understanding of theology, and also because some people just wanted to share their ideas on how to interpret things from the Bible. Nestorius is one of those people. He developed a heresy that is called as Nestorianism.

The Christians at that time was having an issue about the exact nature of Jesus Christ. This is because the idea that a person can be 100% God (Divine) and also 100% human simply defies logic. This idea was written mainly in the gospel of John. Jesus stated that he was there even before Abraham (John 8:58) and also, Jesus said in John 10:30, “I and the Father are one.” Therefore, he is 100% God. The gospel also said that Jesus was also 100% human in John 1:14 which stated that the Word (God) has become flesh (human). Due to this, many heresies started to show up. An example would be Apollinaris of Laodicea. To explain this, he stated that Jesus’ body was simply a ‘mouthpiece’ of God and that His mind is the divine one. The Alexandrians held the term monophysites to explain the issue. The Roman Catholic Church, which has the most power at that time, simply declared that Jesus is, “Two natures in one person.” (“What is Nestorianism?”)

The Eastern churches also have their own views. However, they are mainly divided into two factions that contradict each other. The factions are the Antiochenes and the Alexandrians. The Antiochene got their influence from Aristotle and they mainly interpreted the Bible from historical exegesis. Historical exegesis explanation focused mainly on what the Bible said about Jesus. And so, they affirm Jesus’ humanity. However, they also believe that ...

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...Cyril of Alexandria." - Saints & Angels. Web. 25 Mar. 2012. .

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Vogelpoel, Neroth Van. "The Context Surrounding the Nestorian Controversy." The Church of the First Five Centuries. 23 Nov. 2006. Web. 27 Mar. 2012. .

"What Is Nestorianism? Who Were the Nestorians?" Bible Questions Answered. Web. 20 Mar. 2012. .

"What Is Nestorianism? Who Were the Nestorians?" Bible Questions Answered. Web. 25 Mar. 2012. .

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