The Need of Water

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I would like for each of us to stop and think for a second, what is the world without water? Of course the first thing that comes to mind is death, disease and starvation. Aside from that, I would like to say that everyone has the power to make a difference in this world. So as I take you through this journey of water sharing, remember that it’s for the better of the people.
One thing that strikes me is how much this world is turning towards destruction. As more and more major companies in the U.S privatize water, I can only stop and say, “we got to put a stop to this!” Instead of sitting there and watching the world burn, we must make it known in our workplace. My plan in this conflict is to start by making donation boxes that would catch people’s attention. Putting a powerful image on the cover of the box is one way to make it happen. Then, at the end of the donation period, the store with the most donation would be granted to go to a concert. The focus will eventually fall into people feeling bad for the poor. Making them wanting to donate.
Torbi, a small village in northern Kenya have been lucky enough to get help from a Christian rock band, Jars of Clay. They built a catchment system to collect fresh water in the desert. Moreover, the ability to start a mission is hard enough, but with great passion comes great success. In 2001, lead vocalist Dan Haseltine visited Malawi and saw villagers drinking dirty water from mud pools. This inspired Haseltine to start the Blood:Water Mission. Haseltine says, “Not only is clean water vital in 3rd world countries, but it helps the communities a lot. It also decreases HIV/AIDS rate (Academic Search Premier).
Companies such as Coca-Cola and Nestle use Michigan well-water to suck up millio...

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...ce to make a change, if the companies don’t take immediate action. After all, we all are humans and need water to survive. No bell rings truer than the one that reaches out to people and gives a helping hand.

Works Cited

Christianity Today. "CLEAN WATER, CLEAN BLOOD." Jars of Clay is well on the way to bringing fresh water to 1,000 African communities Vol. 53.11 (2009): 33-34. Academic Search Premier. Database. 25 Nov 2013.
Interlandi, Jeneen, and Ryan Tracy. “THE NEW OIL.” Newsweek 10/18/2010, Vol. 156 Issue 16, p40-46. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 Sept. 2013.
Samson, Kevin. "The Privatization of Water: Nestlé Denies that Water is a Fundamental Human Right." Global Research. Global Research, 27 Jun 2013. Web. 27 Nov 2013.
VanOverbeke, Dustin. "Water Privatization Conflicts." University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, n.d. Web. 27 Nov 2013.

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